Pewter – Data Visualization and Analysis

Pewter is an open-source project for Acquisition, Analysis and Visualisation of raw data from Myo and conduct experiments on it. I developed this application when I started working on the project SigVoiced for sign language to speech conversion.

Model Evolution – Machine Learning Pipeline

Prerequisites Machine Learning basics: A basic understanding should be enough. The Pipeline Solving a real world problem using machine learning is not so trivial. If done haphazardly, it may lead to a disaster or waste of a lot of effort. I have seen people directly jumping into choosing a classification algorithm for solving a pattern… Continue reading Model Evolution – Machine Learning Pipeline

Are you at the right place?

If you are too frustrated with your theoretical knowledge on Machine Learning and you are looking for a good starting point to burst your bubble and take a leap, then you are at the right place. I will use this blog to share my experience with Machine Learning and use it to classify hand gestures… Continue reading Are you at the right place?